In addition, it serves our customers’ existing and potential customers and offers a broad range of BPO customer service management services at a price and quality level that “pleases” our customers.
Account management and our areas of responsibility:
Voice Trading: buying / selling international destinations
Management of existing and new connection accounts for business development, relationship maintenance and proactive search for new opportunities
Comprehensive support of business relationships by resolving price issues as well as financial, legal and technical matters
Negotiations on rates and routing destinations to increase volume and margin
Control of service quality
Increase in revenue growth by increasing voice traffic
Management of the automated VoIP termination solution
SMS routing optimization
In Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), business processes are outsourced to specialized external service providers and continuously optimized. This allows outsourcing companies to significantly improve their competitiveness. German companies still have a lot of catching up to do in international comparison of BPO projects.
With the help of a context-oriented concept model and checklists, opportunities, risks and potential benefits of a BPO are considered in detail in this book. It also analyzes which business processes companies should outsource on a case-by-case basis and how they should proceed in order for BPO to become a permanent win-win cooperation between the outsourcing company and the external service partner.
There can be no BPO solution that can be transferred to any company. Depending on its specific context, a company will have to find highly individualized answers to the question of the outsourcing of business processes and must formulate the building blocks of its solution company-specifically. In one case, a nearshore, in the other, rather an onshore or offshore variant would make more sense. Illustrative examples of practice, including BP, SAP and ThyssenKrupp Steel, illustrate for different personnel, purchasing / logistics and financial processes what is actually to be observed in practice.